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网址:www.lvxingcai.aou1.cn  2023-11-21  作者:admin    阅读:

工业铝型材大多是根据用户已有需求来开发的,有些行业开发能力很强,如轨道车辆制造业、汽车制造业等,但有些小行业缺乏自身开发能力,或还未意识到可用工业铝型材取代现用的材料,这就需要生产企业协助用户去开发代用的工业铝型材,要做到这一点,就需要走出去对各行各业的用材作详细的调查,找出适合用铝型材来取代的用材,通过这些开发,可扩大工业铝型材需求的市场,特别是大型工业的开发,增加市场需量可减轻在建的大型、特大型挤压线建成后所面临的激烈竞争局面。提高工业铝型材的整体生产技术。工业铝型大多对材质、性能、尺寸公差等都有较严格的要求,定送水  铜鼎铜钟 化粪池钢模具 保定代理记账 保定道闸 电缆接地箱工业铝型材的利润虽然较之建筑铝型材高,但其生产难度也相对较大,技术要求也较高,特别是复杂的扁宽薄壁的大型工业铝型材的生产技术,与国外还有较大的差距。
Most industrial aluminum profiles are developed according to the existing needs of users, and some industries have strong development ability, Such as rail vehicle manufacturing, automobile manufacturing and so on, but some small industries lack the ability of self-development, or have not realized that the existing materials can be replaced by industrial aluminum profiles, which requires the production enterprises to assist users to develop alternative industrial aluminum profiles. To achieve this, we need to go out and make a detailed investigation on the materials used in all walks of life, and find out the suitable materials to be replaced by aluminum profiles Through these developments, the market demand for industrial aluminum profiles can be expanded, especially for large-scale industries. Increasing the market demand can reduce the fierce competition faced by the large and super large extrusion lines under construction. Improve the overall production technology of industrial aluminum profile. Most of the industrial aluminum profiles have strict requirements on material, performance and dimensional tolerance. Although the profit of industrial aluminum profiles is higher than that of building aluminum profiles, the production difficulty and technical requirements are relatively high. In particular, the production technology of complex large industrial aluminum profiles with flat width and thin wall still lags far behind foreign countries.

